Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Next steps: Confirming my source, and what would a lawyer tell me to say?

So, I've been doing more research and found at the American Academy of Pediatrics website a graph that actually says my sedentary daughter should be eating up to 1200 calories a day. Phew. 1000 was difficult to get to over the past few days. We've been in the 1100's but not down to 1000 yet.

Here's the chart as I've cut and pasted from the American Academy of Pediatrics. You can reach it from this link. I imagine that if you feel that your child is obese, or significantly overweight you should first talk with their pediatrician before beginning to develop a weight loss program. If I had lawyers, I'm sure they would insist that I write that into this post. Also, I'm sure that they would insist that I tell you that I am not a medically trained professional (I can't stand the sight of blood), nor am I a trained dietician.

What I am is a mom who has a brain, can do research and realizes that a lot of life is really boiled down to common sense. For instance, to lose weight eat less, move more. More on that next time.

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TABLE 3 Daily Estimated Calories and Recommended Servings for Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Milk/Dairy by Age and Gender

1 y 2–3 y 4–8 y 9–13 y 14–18 y

Kilocaloriesa 900 1000


1200 1600 1800

1400 1800 2200
Fat, % of total kcal 30–40 30–35 25–35 25–35 25–35
Milk/dairy, cupsb 2c 2 2 3 3
Lean meat/beans, oz 1.5 2


Fruits, cupsd 1 1 1.5 1.5


Vegetables, cupsd 3/4 1


1 2 2.5

1.5 2.5 3
Grains, oze 2 3


4 5 6

5 6 7

Calorie estimates are based on a sedentary lifestyle. Increased physical activity will require additional calories: by 0 to 200 kcal/day if moderately physically active and by 200 to 400 kcal/day if very physically active.

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