Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hi My Name is .....

Well, it's official. I have OCED. I need a 12 step program to break free from the vicious cycle of news media, blogs and online news outlets. My children look at me and ask, "mommy when are we going eat again?" My husband wants to know when we get our life back. It's gray and dismal, and bleak here in the black and white world of American Presidential Elections. I'm going to be politically incorrect here: what's so interesting is that the black man is the man who offers hope, courage, promise, and when he speaks I feel better. The white man offers fear, hatred, anger, war, agression, you name it, and when he speaks I feel my blood pressure rise. And don't even get me started on that woman - ugh! I need a whole other 12 step program about her.

So here's my 12 step program. I am going to list 12 new reasons why McCain and Palin are not getting my vote, and they shouldn't get yours either. But, you know what, Obama has so much going for him. I'm going to do one better. I'm going to end on a message of hope and promise and the American Dream just like my candidate, Barack Obama. So in my next blog, I will list my 12 reasons why Barack Obama and Joe Biden are my candidates, and why you should vote for them too.

And if you still think that Sarah Palin is the most popular governor with 80%approval ratings (which by the way her ratings dropped to 68% Oct 1), riddle me this: Here's A-Nother Great Rally for Obama in the city of Anchorage Alaska, at 7am (not a popular time for Alaskans in my experience) and 20 degrees (which by their standards is darn right warm). They made a human Obama Logo. I want to make an "I heart Alaska" sign! That same Palin Ratings poll showed very interesting numbers for Democrats and Independents (the Republicans still support her 93%) "Among Democrats, her approval rating dropped from 60 percent to 36 percent, a 24-point drop. Among independents, it fell from 82 percent to 64 percent, an 18-point drop." I haven't seen a more recent poll. I'm keeping my eyes out but this was what google brought me.

So, thanks for stopping by. Now you know why I haven't written much lately - that darned pesky OCED. I'l be back real soon with the first part of my 12 step program.

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