Thursday, November 20, 2008

I think therefore I run

My small steps in running have grown over the past few months. I started out in March only being able to run 1 mile, and slow at that (12 minutes). Today I finished 7 miles at a 9:45 minute/mile pace with lots of hills and a head wind for the second 1/2 (it was a 3.5 mile road - I ran out and back). I set my sights on a goal - the Blue and Gray 1/2 marathon. I try to have patience and persistence. I also keep track of my progress. Each time I run, I log it. And when I couldn't run for 16 looooonnnnnnggggg days while some stitches healed, and I got a cold, and it became a sinus infection, oy vey! Well, I ate a lot of chocolate and forgave myself :). Then I got back out there and started running again, as soon as I felt good. I've been back at it for about 2 weeks and I am amazed that I didn't lose any conditioning. Woo hoo!

So, for those of you who are feeling disheartened by the enormity of whatever faces you. Try to keep it simple. Break the enormity into small steps. Then, chin down. Dive into the work. Track it. Be patient. Be persistent. Don't get ahead of yourself. Stick to the small steps you broke out. Then wait awhile. Really! Imagine you're making a loaf of bread and it needs time to rise. Did you ever bake a loaf of bread from scratch? It really does take time to rise. So, wait awhile. Keep at your planned small steps. Wait awhile longer. Then, look back at where you started. Look at where you are. You will be amazed at what those small steps can accomplish.

Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.

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